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The Life of a Director

Tina Oliver, M.Ed.

The life of an Early Childhood

Director can be very challenging. Not only are you responsible for the smooth operation of the child care center as a whole, but many days you are wearing additional hats. You are the teacher, the cook, the driver, the cleaning person, the friend, the counselor, and so on, and so on... Nobody really understands what you are going through like your fellow child care directors, administrators and owners. Networx Training Academy has put together a special day of training and networking for you; TGIF for Directors! Come out and share ideas and best practices while getting some continuing education hours. Check out the Networx website for dates, times and topics.

Networx Training Academy offers child care teacher training for entry level and continuing education hours. We will also come out to do your professional development on-site.

Looking for staff? Why not put the name of your center on our JOBS page. Just contact us to find out how.


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